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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Heartaching memories do haunt

“It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” ― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy -
My dearest brother Emmen Wasi (MnM) , I your beloved and your Ten (10) is living with heartaches forever because you were too young to be called home. I blamed no one for you gone too soon but the Creator of you and me has plans like this too.

From the collection of photos at DWU, I realized that, you made this one using Adobe Photoshop on my PC at home after the graduation day.

We met at Kopen Secondary School when I was in grade eleven (11) and you were in nine (9).
As a student leader, I corrected you on a minor mistake at the dinner table and your respect over me earned the trust and formed the friendship between you and me from there.

You followed me to Madang and enrolled at Madang Technical College when I was in my second year at DWU. Most students were thinking that you were a DWU student since my room became your room.
During my semester holidays, my room at DWU became your room to learn computer and then people told me you were too good with computer lessons at Mateco. I was proud and did anything I can for you when I have whatever you deserve. And I know all your secrets and importantly the wallet with no cash and pockets with coins only. Our moments were lively over one plate of white rice with RD Dolly Tuna over it from DWU mess.

The times passed, I moved on to work with MTS after DWU and you graduated with PETT certificate in Sheet Metal Fabrication and got employed in Porgera mine. We achieved one of our many little dreams among the big ones.

With your selfless gratitude and trust over me as your brother, you alone came for my graduation with a 40kg bag filled with pineapple only. To make your journey over to my graduation day worse, the 5km landslide in Chimbu made you carry the 40kg pineapple bag to the other side safely and got into Madang at early morning.
We stayed at my room at Madang Resort compound and it became your home during your field breaks from Porgera.

I can't write more of your generosity, senses of humour, unique character, so loving and caring personality traits and above all, you were one gentleman with attitudes of being a true man for anyone in your life.
If the Creator did gave you chances to live, we would have achieved some of those big dreams together by now because I know we can.

It only hurts for me to see into those photos of ours, your scribbled files of homework, assignments and notes for me on desktop among my old files.

You promised to sister Julie and Jj when they visited me in Madang that, your next break, you will spend with them in POM. Now when they heard of your sad news and it's so hard to comprehend, how saddened they were while pointing our graduation photos on the wall of our house.

The big baby Jj enjoyed your arms when you carried her around in Madang following sister Juls (best babysitter). She is now big girl and sees all the photos of Madang with you and appreciates it but not the person you now.
I was surprised by the news of you gone too early and it leaves an immense spaces for bonding friendship of such we had as brotherhood I cannot compare now.

I asked for the burial site information and now got the location correctly. Next time I will be in the Province, I will frame this photo for you and drop it off at your site as a respect to you my MnM.

It hurts too much but cannot afford the superstition powers get you back to live again till the last day. I don't want to say; "Rest in Peace" because it hurts so much but rather "Return If Possible"

From your Ten (10) 
Pics: Edited by; Emmen Was at DWU Feehan Hall, 2007